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The Coriolis Effect
 by Edwidge Danticat

  • <em>The Coriolis Effect</em> by Edwidge Danticat
5 x 7 inches. 56 pages. 170 copies. 12 multi-color wood engraved numerals by Gaylord Schanilec. Signed by the author and the artist. Hand-set in Walbaum monotype. Bound in boards covered with marbled paper by Carol Scott. OUT OF PRINT.
  • The Coriolis Effect by Edwidge Danticat
    The Coriolis Effect by Edwidge Danticat
    Midnight Paper Sales, 2002
    Qty. 170, Price: $98

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Twelve brief fictional statements reflecting on the experience of young Haitian-American women. “When I am walking in the streets of Brooklyn, I feel like I am walking in a curve, back to the past...I imagine everyone walking in a curve toward and away from each other, in and out of each other’s life. We are all part of this Coriolis effect, I say. We are the wind and ocean currents that move one another from joy to happiness and back to pain.”

In 1999 I had the pleasure of working with a poem by Edwidge Danticat for the Hungry Midnight Broadside Series. It was a poem about writing, beautifully crafted and colored, and it contained one word with an accented “e”. I set the poem in Bernhard Gothic, and not having an accented “e” available, I used an ordinary “e”. While signing the edition Danticat, with a black pen, carefully added the accent to all 90 copies. Later, in immediate response to my inquiry, she sent a series of twelve short pieces of prose inspired by lessons in an English-as-a-second-language workbook, “The Coriolis Effect”. One again I was delighted with her work. —G.S.